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Lake Superior’s rocky coast presents a harsh growing environment for plants. Fierce winds, storm waves, and wave spray pelt the rock and soils are thin and often confined to crevices, mossy mounds, and the edges of pools. Yet a sparing range of hardy plants survives on the shore.




As I’ve wandered Superior’s shores over the years, I’ve come to feel a special affinity for the plants below. Click on an image to enter the gallery and learn more about these plants. Additional information can be found in the books and articles in the following  

BEP Edited_edited.jpg
Butterworts Edited_edited.jpg
Saxifrage Edited_edited.jpg
Cinquefoil Edited_edited.jpg
Harebell Edited_edited.jpg
Shrubby Edited 2_edited.jpg
Eyebright Edited_edited.jpg
Sundew Edited 2_edited.jpg
Pearlwort Edited_edited.jpg
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